The printed order of plays will be the same as the order you've sorted them in the app.
Computer & Tablet
- Tap the print icon on the playbooks list or in the play gallery
- Tap "Scout Cards"
- Choose Offense or Defense
- Select "Formations" or "Categories" to filter your plays
- Tap to select the Formations or Categories you'd like to print
- Choose a scout card format
- Decide if you'd like to show or hide player names on your printed play diagrams - if a given play has a player assigned to the "Q" position in the app and you choose "Show Player Names", the player's name will appear below the "Q" position on the printed play
- Decide whether to include the play names, play numbers or both
- Tap "Print" in the upper right corner - if you've selected a large number of plays, it could take a minute or two for your device to render the print preview
- You should now see the system print preview - depending on your device and printer settings, you may be able to choose a page size and orientation (portrait or landscape)
- Print or save your scout cards as a PDF for emailing